


Enhancement #696

Updated by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli almost 4 years ago

Zabbix service is currently hosted on Nicecity but this host doesn't provide the resources (mainly CPU, for example: @load average: 8.64, 8.47, 8.08@) required for Zabbix. 

 A solution would be to host Zabbix service on a dedicated virtual machine. This VM would be hosted on another server located at Condé. 
 Here is @Orthos@: 
 * CPU: one core of the host (Intel i5-8600T) fully dedicated to this VM 
 * memory: 2Go (can be extended to 4Go) 
 * storage: 40Go 

 # main repository 
 ## @add_new_host_zabbix-server@: add Orthos to the inventory 
 ## @dependency_and_order@: small fixes needed 
 ## *TODO*: Zabbix server: use Orthos 
 # @ansible-role-fail2ban@ repository: @buster_ignore_apt-listbugs@: force installation of @fail2ban@ package
