


PendingNews » History » Revision 14

Revision 13 (Marc Dequènes, 2019-01-11 09:27) → Revision 14/38 (Marc Dequènes, 2019-01-11 13:05)

h1. Pending News 

 This is a staging area for news sent to the users on the mailing-list. 

 h2. Scheduled Maintenances / Special Notices 


 * webstats unused, removed 
 * fetchmail and feed2imap unused, removed 
 * Nicecity upgrade soon (no user impact) 

 h2. Changes / Info 

 * ideas for SIEVE: 
 ** learning switched from the future: (we may need deprecated dovecot-antispam to open tickets, or link to currently existing ones, this is just to list ideas in a future ML post) IMAPSIEVE 
 ** testing a Matrix server or the like IMAP metadata 
 ** Dovecot submission server vacation-seconds 
 ** spamtest 
 ** replace unmaintained Roundcube 'sieverules' plugin by 'managesieve' 

 * work on Toushirou-NG is ongoing, this is coupled with the effort to enable BURL/URLAUTH extensions and possibly other things in the future (like SIEVE filtering for outgoing messages) 

 Ansibilize our infra 

 * work on DNSSEC 

 * (call for help & donations)