


PendingNews » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Marc Dequènes, 2018-05-14 18:28) → Revision 6/38 (Marc Dequènes, 2018-05-19 16:36)

h1. Pending News 

 This is a staging area for news sent to the users on the mailing-list. 

 h2. Scheduled Maintenances / Special Notices 

 h2. Changes / Info 

 * Open Infra: here we are 
 * IRC SPAM: registration needed, TLS recommended 
 * Orfeo's crash and future 
 * bug with SSH keys update 
 * IM Gateway is no more 
 * SVN/TLA/CVS repositories not used anymore, support in shell and Redmine removed 
 * Redmine: timesheet plugin removed; it was broken by and another similar bug 
 * Yoshi has a new skin! 
 * (call for help & donations)