


Enhancement #563

Updated by Marc Dequènes almost 7 years ago

So here is a list of files containing secrets: 

 * ansible/group_vars/shell_servers/vars.yml 
 * pki/keys/*/*.key 
 * doc/ 

 Please check if I forgot anything. 

 We have git history with secrets and I think it would be too risky to rely on history filtering. Also we have signed commits so it is most probably not possible anyway. So I would suggest creating a new repo, public this time, and use Ansible Vault because it is simple (see 

 Also should be open too. Content needs to be checked of course. I think we should put the documentation inside the new admin repo and commit doc updates along code changes. Also we should generate it. We could use Nanoc, try Jekyll… 

 As for the content which is very sensitive and not needed for Ansible and tools, we could just keep the current repo. For example _doc/accounts.md_ could stay inside. Security sensitive content from if any could sit here. Also I was thinking about sensitive user-related topics, like the list of anonymous donors or private information we could not discuss on the ML… 

 [informative but irrelevant to the work in this BR] Now that Elwing is less and less involved in DC proper, I would separate DC and DL admin. With shared roles we can still make it simple and it is easier to delegate just one or the other. Daneel, when resurrected, would then follow the same path. In case we need to host services inside DL, then we could use a LXC or VM. 

 I think this is something we can do right now, even if we create repos for the current roles and phase them out later for better version. We don't need to work on a doc builder right know. I think this would avoid loosing more history. 

 So let's discuss this and polish details if we agree on something. 
