


Bug #603

Updated by Marc Dequènes about 6 years ago

In the deprecated Admin wiki there was a page documenting this. I wish to raise this subject because this is such a pain to be alone doing all this and in the end I'm not doing all of them or not properly. 

 The tasks (from the old wiki, including estimated workload level in parenthesis, with minor changes): 
 * MP/DC Mailing-lists moderation (moderate): once per week, check Mailman pending posts 
 * -DSPAM DSPAM special accounts and MP/DC Mailing-list accounts management (moderate):    train and check quarantine- (removed, see #435) quarantine 
 * Reports check (high): check machines reports (logcheck, rkhunter, scripts report, ...) and fix urgent problems or add less-important ones to the todolist 
 * Backup check (low): check backup is working well and not missing important data (once a month?) (monitoring may help) 
 * Supervision check (moderate/high): check supervision on a regular basis and fix problems / tune settings 
 * IRC maintenance (low): check linking / services / bots problems, and defends against devils' attacks 

 The Reports check includes using the reports on the ML, some possibly only sent to root@, and an external mailbox hosted at Nerim (in case everything is down and for security alerts if an intruder hides its traces). This should be documented. 

 This ticket is about: 
 * clarifying: 
 ** the list or regular tasks 
 ** tasks check frequency 
 ** specific credentials and tooling necessary to accomplish these tasks 
 * deciding who can help on which task 
 * improving workflow or tooling (might involve creating other tickets) 
 * documenting all the previous points (we may use the Redmine wiki for this) 
