Enhancement #626
Updated by Marc Dequènes almost 5 years ago
The goal is to organize work around automating deployments/configs/tasks with Ansible and setting priorities. Legend: * U: urgency on a 1-5 scale * D: difficulty on a 1-5 scale Missing bits: * [U:1/D:1] root env: ** -.bashrc- ** -.bash_logout- ** -.bash_profile- ** -.profile- ** -.selected_editor- ** -.vimrc- ** -.gitconfig- (should not be needed when all is automated) * [U:1/D:1] user env: ** enable completion by default in /etc/bash.bashrc * [U:1/D:1] tools: ** -man-db- ** -manpages- * mail: ** [U:5/D:5] -Postfix- ** [U:5/D:4] -Dovecot- ** [U:3/D:?] -DSPAM (spamfilter.duckcorp.org) (obsolete but still very useful until a proper replacement is found, see #435)- ** [U:3/D:1] -Policyd-Weight- ** [U:4/D:2] -Spoolinger (needs packaging too)- ** [U:5/D:?] -scripts around account mapping and web filtering- (with changes related to #435) ** [U:3/D:1] -imapproxy- (REMOVED) ** [U:5/D:2] -Roundcube (webmail.duckcorp.org)- ** [U:5/D:3] -Mailman (lists.duckcorp.org)- (not installation, switching to Mailman3 is planned, see #627) ** [U:1/D:1-2] -fetchmnail/feed2imap (possible RoundCube plugin to allow shell-less config: https://github.com/PF4Public/fetchmail)- (not needed anymore, removed) * [U:4/D:2] PostgreSQL (can we reuse OSAS's role?) * [U:5/D:5] -LDAP (base and sync config, schemas, see #619)- * [U:1/D:1] -oidentd- * [U:2/D:3] -Prosody- * [U:4/D:3-4] -Banya- * [U:1/D:2] -Proftpd- * [U:4/D:3-4] -Zabbix vhost (sup.duckcorp.org) and server/proxy configuration- * [U:1/D:3] LDX (on Elwing for possible Orfeo-NG) * [U:1/D:1] -Icecast (radio.duckcorp.org)- * [U:1/D:1] -coturn- * [U:2/D:2-3] -Bip- Bip * [U:1/D:1] -Minetest- (unused, removed) * [U:1/D:?] -Yoshi- * [U:2/D:?] /etc/services (each role in need of a service not declared in the distro-provided file should handle this) * [U:3/D:?] probably several things in crontabs (WIP) * [U:4/D:5] -firewalling- * [U:4/D:1] -multihoming (Toushirou)- * [U:1/D:1] -DDNS- * websites/webapps: ** [U:3/D:1] -base httpd config- ** [U:1/D:1] -/srv/www/{shared-data,indexoverride}/ and indexoverride+autoindex config- ** [U:1/D:1] -www.duckcorp.org / Nanoc- (removed obsolete maintenance fallback on Orfeo and test.duckcorp.org) ** [U:1/D:1] -ntp.duckcorp.org (NTPd is done, only the vhost needs to be managed)- ** [U:1/D:1] -static.perso.duckcorp.org- ** [U:1/D:1] -codereview.duckcorp.org (not in the current state, needs replacement)- (removed for the time being) ** [U:1/D:1] -dico.duckcorp.org (with DICTd server and clients)- ** [U:1/D:2] -doc.duckcorp.org- ** [U:1/D:?] -photos(-ng).duckcorp.org- (not installation, experimental, see #463) ** [U:1/D:2] -vcs-git-viewer.duckcorp.org / gitweb- ** [U:2/D:3] -webstats.duckcorp.org / Matomo- (removed) ** [U:2/D:2] -wiki.duckcorp.org / Moinmoin- (not installation, migration planned to MW, see #640) ** [U:5/D:3-4] -stuff.milkypond.org / NextCloud- (not installation, too complex) ** [U:1/D:1] -2heurespourtuer.ath.cx- (removed) ** [U:1/D:1] -www.collectioneuro.eu- ** [U:1/D:1] -cdbs-doc.duckcorp.org (OBSOLETE, not updated since a while, working with the CDBS co-maintainers to deprecate the tool)- (removed) * [U:2,D:1] logrotate configs (WIP) * [U:1,D:2] mixed stuff in /usr/local (WIP)