


Enhancement #782

Updated by Marc Dequènes 11 months ago


 This ticket is tracking the migration steps: 
 * πŸ”³ custom/backported packages: 
 ** βœ… identify packages that are still needed => spoolinger,    python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 
 ** πŸ”³ setup suite in custom repo 
 ** πŸ”³ update packages and upload them 
 * πŸ”³ add _non-free-firmware_ suite to get CPU microcode updates; Nicecity also needs firmware-realtek unfortunately) 
 * πŸ”³ needed software/config changes (to update in Ansible): 
 ** βœ… apache2: none 
 ** βœ… atheme-services: none 
 ** πŸ”³ dovecot: multiple config changes: 
 *** "some variables have been renamed": 
 *** expire plugin removed: use "mailbox/autoexpunge": instead 
 ** βœ… icecast2: none 
 ** βœ… inspircd: none 
 ** πŸ”³ logcheck: rsyslog now defaults to β€œhigh precision timestamps” and we need to update regexs in our custom filters 
 ** πŸ”³ lxd: remove, we'll be using podman+quadlets instead (not needed for redmine anymore) 
 ** βœ… mailman3: none 
 ** πŸ”³ mariadb-server: _innodb_large_prefix_ and _innodb_file_format_ are deprecated and can simply be removed (we used the new default already) 
 ** βœ… matrix-synapse: missing, hopefully should come as backports like it did for Bullseye 
 ** βœ… openldap: none 
 ** βœ… passenger: none 
 ** πŸ”³ postfix: "config has changed slightly": 
 ** βœ… postgresql: none 
 ** βœ…πŸ’‘ proftpd: missing, maybe it's time to deprecate it for good 
 ** βœ… prometheus: lots of changes but current config should be fine 
 ** βœ… redis-server: none 
 ** πŸ”³ redmine: switch back to the package 
 ** πŸ”³ roundcube: "config has changed slightly": 
 ** xl2tpd: 
 ** … 
 * πŸ”³ upgrade: (follow the [[OS_Upgrade]] procedure) (suggested order) 
 ** πŸ”³ Elwing 
 ** πŸ”³ Nicecity 
 ** πŸ”³ Orhos 
 ** πŸ”³ Thorfinn 
 ** πŸ”³ Jinta 
 ** πŸ”³ Toushirou 
 ** πŸ”³ Orfeo 
 * πŸ”³ post-check: (possibly moved into specific ticket later) 
 ** πŸ”³ check services still missing systemd config (we might be able to remove some workaround in Ansible) 
 ** πŸ”³ do we still need rsyslog? maybe for logcheck 
 ** πŸ”³ remove obsolete logcheck filters (maybe start again from scratch and pull back rules we had when we hit them?) 
 ** πŸ”³ remove obsolete log files: 
 *** /var/log/mail.{info,warn,err} 
 *** /var/log/lpr.log 
 *** /var/log/{messages,debug,daemon.log}
