



From 2010-04-05 to 2010-05-04


04:03 Documentation #28 (Resolved): Document Postman workflow
Applied in changeset commit:"aabe1674a2ae1b5e0c47b1df1b50bdb897c7a57f". Marc Dequènes
04:03 Revision aabe1674: [doc] Postman workflow (closes #28)
Marc Dequènes


20:22 Enhancement #34 (Resolved): Separate log for each Bot
Marc Dequènes
20:11 Enhancement #32 (In Progress): Adapt Postman to use Librarian and MapMaker Bots
Support UNIX socket middleware backend only. Marc Dequènes
20:09 Enhancement #31 (Resolved): Preliminary DNS Bot
Orders to implement:
* check presence of zone file
* read entire zone file (adapt existing code)
* write entire zo...
Marc Dequènes
19:57 Documentation #30 (Resolved): Establish a Preliminary inter-bot discussion protocol
Only focus on messages formating and semantic, without any care for security and rights, only orders.
Marc Dequènes
19:55 Enhancement #29 (Resolved): Preliminary LDAP Bot
Implement basic orders quickly, the real API will be done in #178. This is only to work on the bot split.
Support ...
Marc Dequènes
19:29 Documentation #28 (Resolved): Document Postman workflow
Mixed logic diagram(s?), with involved objects, explaining the flow of data.
Marc Dequènes
15:15 Revision 1c57d7f2: [RELEASE] 0.2.1
Marc Dequènes
15:11 Revision a17cca3a: [fix] workaround a nasty TMail behavior: don't regenerate a new boundary when one already exist to avoid breaking GPG signatures
Marc Dequènes
15:09 Revision d9a90899: [fix] raise an error when trying to sign a not properly encoded content
Marc Dequènes
15:08 Revision 037010aa: [fix] ensure RFC3156 content is calculated with raw content when checking a signature (without TMail content reorganization) and using the TMail generated content when creating a new mail
Marc Dequènes
05:41 Revision c671241f: [fix] corrected multipart MailOrder parsing: skip first part and parse 'content-*' headers properly
Marc Dequènes
02:29 Revision 56947466: [evol] added to_multipart! method to remove such low level manipulations from postman
Marc Dequènes
02:18 Revision dcbc5f76: [fix] ensure to_rfc3156() is strict, and ensure quoted_body message is properly added for signed/crypted
Marc Dequènes
02:16 Revision 8ddd43db: [fix] ensure Postman multipart replies are sent without custom headers in the 'multipart/mixed' part, and add a quoted_body message
Marc Dequènes
00:03 Revision 53a897af: [fix] don't set command result before every action is done to avoid returning SUCCESS when an exception is raised
Marc Dequènes

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