



From 2010-08-15 to 2010-09-13


12:54 Revision 23b2305f: [fix/security] Cyborg server interface: restrict non-leaf path lookup to containers
Marc Dequènes
11:51 Revision 6d0df946: [fix] CyborgServerStatefulInterface must be a singleton
Marc Dequènes
03:28 Enhancement #130 (New): Resource locking
A locking mechanism is necessary to ensure concurrent access don't tread on each other:
* do not allow write when so...
Marc Dequènes
03:28 Enhancement #129 (New): Kick dead clients
We should have some PING/PONG mechanism to kill dead clients.
Marc Dequènes
03:15 Enhancement #31: Preliminary DNS Bot
The session support is done. The DNS class has received many fixes. Several other fixes and improvements were made.
Marc Dequènes
03:08 Revision cc684758: [evol] Cyborg server interface: terminate connection after too much protocol errors
Marc Dequènes
02:46 Revision b7f7d214: [evol] MapMaker / Cyborg server interface: cleanup, reorg, ...
Marc Dequènes


23:12 Revision e82a264b: [evol] added session management to the cyborg server (refs #31)
Marc Dequènes
23:01 Revision 5c60cc29: [fix] DNS service fixes
Marc Dequènes
22:17 Revision f3d48817: [fix] typo
Marc Dequènes
20:51 Enhancement #31: Preliminary DNS Bot
A locking mechanism is necessary to ensure concurrent access don't tread on each other:
* do not allow write when so...
Marc Dequènes
05:43 Enhancement #31 (In Progress): Preliminary DNS Bot
After a few research and experimentations, i settled on EventMachine in order not to re-invent the wheel. The UNIX so... Marc Dequènes
06:00 Revision d5495a1e: [fix] DNS fixes
Marc Dequènes
05:21 Revision ca79e27e: [evol] reworked DNS classes (refs #31)
Marc Dequènes
03:22 Revision 2c547ffe: [evol] work on cyborg server protocol and API #9 (refs #31)
Marc Dequènes
03:09 Revision f9971af0: [evol] work on cyborg server protocol and API #8 (refs #31)
Marc Dequènes
02:34 Revision 8fcaacd6: [evol] work on cyborg server protocol and API #7 (refs #31)
Marc Dequènes

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