[fix] now is the TODO
[evol] moved notes in a clean TODO file
[evol] send reply for properly signed message with bad content + ensure setting custom headers in all cases
[evol] ensure sent mail is correctly formated (using Rails ActionMailer utility methods)
[evol] finished work on crypting mail response
[evol] preliminary work on crypting mail response
[evol] new DNS class to manage zone files (only read zone file at the moment) + generate proper mail reply
[evol] create basic mail reply and send it using SMTP
[evol] implemented bot stop trigger
[evol] reorganized dependencies
[evol] move IMAP code into a new class
[fix] an exception reference in one object was not defined
[evol] moved the mail processing into a new class returning proper orders
[evol] renamed custom exception and converted an old remaining exception
[evol] add backup files patterns to git ignore file
[evol] move new classes into CyborgHood module and add new exception handling
[evol] split objects abstraction layer and ldap layer in libs
[evol] add abstraction level above LDAP layer #2 + cleanup + indent
[evol] move LDAP settings out of code and use global logger
[evol] add abstraction level above LDAP layer #1
[evol] handle case when signed content is multipart and propagate other parts as refs for CommandParser
[fix] remove logger usage in tmail extension
[evol] properly moved tmail signature handling out of postman in a library (which i should probably suggest upstream)
[evol] added postman bot (not fully cyborgified yet)
[RM] add proper git-ignored list of files
[fix] don't fail to merge bot-specific config if it is empty
[evol] Logger can handle setting a permanent prefix (until reset)
[evol] split test file into libs
Initial version