[evol] debug: new flag to ignore replays
[evol] added is_numeric? to String
[evol] separate log for each bot (closes #34)
[evol/fix] IMAP: improved error handling and ensure to properly reconnect if appropriate
[evol] don't refetch IMAP capabilities during the same connection
[evol] IMAP IDLE support finished (closes #100)
[fix] repaired IMAP IDLE DONE
[fix] repaired bot stop action
[evol] preliminary IMAP IDLE support (not fully working yet)
[fix] corrected crash introduced when working on body signature
[evol] Mail: use provided @user fingerprint unless overrided
[fix] don't sign and crypt rejection message twice
[evol] move default body signature in Mail class
[evol] reorganized imap processing
[evol] reorganize TMail extra methods
[fix/evol] added new Mail helper methods for headers and use them to display received mail info properly
[evol] Mail: reply to Reply-To addresses instead of From addresses if present
[evol] split IMAP mail checking in several methods and handle errors a bit better
[fix] handle program stop better
[fix] let's be clear when a key if not found
[fix] check for MIME boundaries better
Merge branch '0.2.x' of ssh://rcs-git.duckcorp.org/rcs/git/duckcorp/cyborghood
[RELEASE] 0.2.3
[fix] handle mail unquoting and conversion to UTF-8 better
[fix] Order management was broken #2
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