




Added by Marc Dequènes about 9 years ago

  • Zabbix:
    • HistoryCacheSize 8MB->32MB (necessary after adding more items)
    • forced HK global retention to ease its work: 3d history (most were 7d, very high amount of data) and 3y trends (most were 1y, very reasonable amount of data)
    • increased DB partition 15GB->30GB
  • Monit: removed everywhere
  • Toushirou: removed quota tools (unused)
  • MariaDB: fixed systemd state (after recent migration from MySQL)
  • dico.dc.o:
    • Memcached: stop trying to use HugePages, as it now fails to start with systemd
    • Dicod: dictd symlink was ignored by systemd and dicod was disabled, then enabled and started


Added by Marc Dequènes about 9 years ago

  • CA: reactivate all CA because it causes too much problems, even if it only gives a false sense of security
  • debsecan: installed on all host for Jessie suite with daily report


Added by Marc Dequènes over 9 years ago

  • owncloud: fixed well-known redirects in ''/etc/owncloud/htaccess''
  • roundcube: updated apache config to raise the max attachment size to the current DC policy


Added by Marc Dequènes over 9 years ago

  • srv_bip_logs_compress: compression happened too soon, which bothered bip and resulted in lost backlog :-/
  • updated tt-rss and the reeder theme to git (author don't want to create releases anymore)
  • updated rkhunter config
  • updated logcheck config
  • synchronized ZBX agents custom items (not scripts yet)
  • installed php-mail-mimedecode for Roundcube (see Debian#740242)
  • added new disk on Daneel and reorganized storage (ZBX and Bacula are up again)
  • readded disk 0 into Toushirou's array, and it seems to keep up until now => will be changed soon


Added by Marc Dequènes almost 10 years ago

  • awstats: recreated webstats home and config on Elwing
  • SSL: prepared new CA
  • backup: fixed catalog backup on Korutopi
  • DSPAM: using UNIX sockets broke access to the cleanup crontab, so updated PG rights
  • rkhunter: adapted config on Thorfinn, Jinta and Daneel


Added by Marc Dequènes almost 10 years ago

  • [recently] firewalling:
    • lastest script being tested on Elwing was propagated (but ulogd2 config still needs to be checks and propagated)
    • be more genttle with anti-flood thresholds
  • DSPAM is now using UNIX sockets (yes config is soooooo obviously clear about it being even possible)


Added by Marc Dequènes about 10 years ago

  • FTP: workaround server not listening to the intended IP (see Debian#626524)
  • Elwing[recent days]: back online
  • Backup: back online on Daneel (system bakup for all hosts and Elwing data unsuitable for being out of Pond)

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