DNS » History » Version 1
Marc Dequènes, 2018-05-04 15:03
1 | 1 | Marc Dequènes | h1. DNS |
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3 | h2. Zone Management |
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5 | On each DNS server, master zone can be created/updated on _/etc/bind/masters/_. The ownership needs to be: |
6 | * _banya:_ if a user zone which should be updatable via the Banya service |
7 | * _root:bind_ in all other cases |
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9 | The zone is declared in _host_vars/_dnsserver_/dns.yml_ and the playbook _playbooks/tenants/duckcorp/dns.yml_ is in charge of updating all configurations. Only the zone content is not Ansible managed. |
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11 | In case the zone is to be DNSSEC-signed, the publishing of keys in the parent zone is to be done manually (not automated yet); more details below. |
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13 | h2. Secure Zone Transfers |
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15 | To secure zone transfers, a TSIG key needs to be created and added on both sides. Beware the key name *must* be identical on both side. |
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17 | DNS server groups (servers allowed to request transfer) and keys can be defined in _host_vars/<dnsserver>/dns.yml_ and _host_vars/<dnsserver>/dns.vault.yml_ respectively. If they are to be used on all servers, then you can declare them in _group_vars/dns_servers/dns.yml_ and _group_vars/dns_servers/dns.vault.yml_ respectively. |
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19 | You can a new key using: |
20 | <pre> |
21 | dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-SHA512 -b 512 -n HOST taiste |
22 | </pre> |
23 | Take the 'Key' part in 'Ktaiste.*.private' file, to put into the configuration. |
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25 | The same playbook (_playbooks/tenants/duckcorp/dns.yml_) is used to update the configuration. |
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27 | h2. DNSSEC |
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29 | TODO |