


Debian Repository » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Marc Dequènes, 2018-05-02 19:00) → Revision 3/22 (Marc Dequènes, 2019-10-01 21:25)

h1. Debian Repository 

 h2. Content 

 Since Buster we document here the reason for having custom/ported packages in this repository. 

 h3. Buster 

 |m2crypto|dependency for *srv_cert_tlsa_gen*| 
 |molly-guard|/2.backported "fix for Debian#914716":| 
 |python-acme|/3.certbot with "CNAME resolution patch":| 

 h2. Administration 

 All files are stored into */srv/www/sites/* (config, packages, upload zone…). The user *dc-repository* has been created to handle all the necessary tasks with only limited rights. 

 Regular administration is to be done using the *adm_dc-repository* script as root. This script is able to sudo and pass local configuration options to reprepro, and avoid messing with the rights. 

 For example: 
 # adm_dc-repository list jessie 
 jessie|dc-net|amd64: libiksemel-dev 1.4-2+dc1 
 jessie|dc-net|amd64: libiksemel-utils 1.4-2+dc1 
 jessie|dc-net|amd64: libiksemel3 1.4-2+dc1 
 jessie|dc-net|amd64: zabbix-agent 1:2.4.6+dfsg-1+dc1 
 jessie|dc-net|i386: zabbix-agent 1:2.4.6+dfsg-1+dc1 
 jessie|dc-net|source: libiksemel 1.4-2+dc1 
 jessie|dc-net|source: zabbix 1:2.4.6+dfsg-1+dc1 

 h2. Adding Contributors 

 The list of uploader is setup into */srv/www/sites/*.