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Marc Dequènes, 2012-06-01 15:57
librb-inotify-ruby migrated to new packaging style


The Spoolinger is a generic spool manager, watching for incoming files in a specific directory and scheduling their processing.

- scheduling based on concurrency and min/max age
- gathering of file data using file name and content regex to be used in pattern replacement
- cancel mode (with pattern replacement)
- running of an external processing command (with pattern replacement)
- "load check" via external command or Ruby plugin to allow processing depending on external conditions
- logging with ajustable verbosity to help debug problems


Build Dependencies:
  • ruby-setup
Runtime Dependencies:
  • ruby-log4r
  • ruby-daemons
  • ruby-eventmachine
  • ruby-activesupport
  • ruby-rb-inotify
  • kwalify

for a real install in /usr/local

ruby setup.rb config
ruby setup.rb setup
ruby setup.rb install
ruby setup.rb clean

for packagers

ruby setup.rb config --installdirs=std
ruby setup.rb setup
ruby setup.rb install --prefix=debian/spoolinger
ruby setup.rb clean

for in-place tests

ruby setup.rb config --bindir=bin --rbdir=lib --datadir=data --sysconfdir=conf --localstatedir=var --shebang=never
ruby setup.rb setup

Do tests, and when finished:
ruby setup.rb clean


See Configuration and examples in source:examples.

Updated by Marc Dequènes about 12 years ago · 3 revisions