- What is the status of the project?
Inactive - What support is available?
Currently no professional support/services available: no one ask us to add them at the empty list of enterprise which provide professional support. If you provide professional support and want to be added here, ask us!- irc: #ufwi on Freenode
- This site.
- Who host the project?
The project is entirely hosted by Duckcorp.
The project was hosted byFSF France
from 2011 to November 2014.
FSF France is a non-profit association whose object is to promote Free Software in France. Big thanks to them !!!
You can visit them: - What is the password for root account of NuFirewall 1.0 beta ISO ?
nupik - Problem with QoS (tc) and transparent proxy (squid)
See and
Updated by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli over 10 years ago ยท 2 revisions