


Enhancement #716

Updated by Marc Dequènes over 2 years ago


 Here is a todolist of all the things we need to care to help upgrading to the new Debian release when it's out. 

 Software that would need upgrading: 
 * -Inspircd v3- (backported in our repo and config adapted/improved) 
 * Mailman 3 (need backport) 
 * -Bind9 9.16 (backport available) with DNSSEC key management changes which need procedures and Ansible adaptation- 

 Software that need to be replaced and why (unmaintained, problematic…): 

 Software that we could consider for deprecation: 

 Other things to consider: 
 * Redmine is still not catching up with Rails 6 and will not be in Bullseye, maybe backport but expected much later 
 * we have a patched certbot for DNS challenge with CNAME support and need to port the patch onto the new version 
