



DuckCorp Infrastructure: work

Added by Marc Dequènes over 11 years ago

  • [a weeks to a few days ago] owcloud upgrade 4.5.0->4.5.1->4.5.2->4.5.4
  • apache: deactivated dav* modules, not needed (webdav apps use their own implementations)
  • gallery2: don't force galleryBaseUrl and baseUri anymore, automatic detection works well now, fixing a few URLs not using https and webdav too

DuckCorp Infrastructure: work

Added by Marc Dequènes almost 12 years ago

  • fixed missing 'cidr2iptables' script missing on Elwing (needed for srv_bogon_iptable_update)
  • srv_tor_ban was not effective anymore, revamped it to use (and got rid of the tor service \o/)

DuckCorp Infrastructure: work

Added by Marc Dequènes almost 12 years ago

  • hidepid support:
    • activated on: Orfeo, Elwing, Daneel
    • ready but needs reboot on more recent kernel on: Toushirou, Thorfinn
    • needs to be done: Korutopi (configuration outside LXC)

DuckCorp Infrastructure: work

Added by Marc Dequènes almost 12 years ago

  • increased rsyslog's SystemLogRateLimitBurst a bit on Orfeo (for Postfix)
  • fixed xcache config on Elwing (wrong so path and copy instead of symlink mess)

DuckCorp Infrastructure: work

Added by Marc Dequènes almost 12 years ago

  • adm_mysql_wide_commands:
    • fixed table name not quoted properly (causing problem when the table is called ''option'')
    • skip ''performance_schema'' system table (introduced in recent MySQL upgrade)
    • added in crontab: optimize monthly and analyze weekly

DuckCorp Infrastructure: work

Added by Marc Dequènes almost 12 years ago

  • roundcube:
    • upgraded all plugins
    • fixed SQL permissions for the new carddav plugin
  • removed all traces of the fsync vhost, as owncloud's bookmarks should be syncable via the ffsync protocol in a future version

DuckCorp Infrastructure: work

Added by Marc Dequènes almost 12 years ago

  • upgraded OwnCloud with a home-made package
  • upgraded Roundcube with a home-made package (need to check the plugins, as a few do not fit perfectly with the new theme)

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