- stuff.mp.o: replaced Jyraphe by OwnCloud (Jyraphe still around if needed)
- fixed apache errors on stuff.mp.o by reordering 'index.php' before 'index.{rbx,rhtml}' in DirectoryIndex, really weird
- fixed check_certs_expiration
- regenerated expired or near to expire certificates
- backup: added weekly backup stats in '/var/local/bacula-stats' on both backup servers
- dovecot: fixed mailbox name for expire dict setting
- rkhunter: fixed Korutopi's config
- Korutopi: fixed /etc/hosts to resolve FQDN
- redmine 1.3.2 -> 1.4.3 upgrade:
- upgraded all plugins using a VCS
- fixed timesheet_plugin:
- removed buggy Gemfile
- moved aside badly encoded file config/locales/sv.yml
- removed incompatible plugins:
- ezlibrarian
- global_filter_redmine_plugin
- redmine_code_review
- ruby: updated alternative back to 1.8 on Toushirou because of Debian#678515
- piwik:
- upgrade from 1.6.0 to 1.8.2
- switched to crontab archiving
- ttrss: upgrade from 1.5.9 to 1.5.11
- squirrelmail:
- patched manually installed gpg plugin (PHP5.4 compat)
- reapplied patch for manually installed msg_flags plugin (lost in upgrade)
- enabled lossy encoding
- switched to standards compliance mode for output
- roundcube: reinstalled completely to remove problems in Debian#656886:
- custom plugins are now in /var/lib/roundcube/plugins while packaged ones are symlinks to /usr/share/roundcube/plugins
- removed show_gravatar/skins/default/{create_styles.sh,.htaccess} to fix Location not allowed in .htaccess while still avoiding a security issue
- upgraded PHP to 5.4 on Orfeo and created a patch for horde3, see Debian#675526
- fixed PAM config on Elwing (con't create a LDAP-enabled config, suffixed common files already exist for LDAP-enabled services)
- installed bootlogd (which is in a dedicated package now) on Daneel and Elwing with success, planned for other servers later