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Pierre-Louis Bonicoli, 2018-12-10 00:24
No need to use duckcorp CA anymore
Bip is an IRC proxy, which means it keeps connected to your preferred IRC servers, can store the logs for you, and even send them back to your IRC client(s) upon connection.
You may want to use bip to keep your logfiles (in a unique format and on a unique computer) whatever your client is, when you connect from multiple workstations, or when you simply want to have a playback of what was said while you were away.
There are many features !
Basic usage¶
- Copy sample bip.conf file found in tarball in ~/.bip/bip.conf
- Edit according to your needs
- Setup your favorite IRC client to connect to bip, and setup a IRC password according to the format “bip_username:bip_password:connection_id”
Use a single bip session for multiple irc connections. Each bip user can have multiple irc networks to connect to, the connection_id identifies a connection for a user. For example if a user connects on OFTC and efnet, he would configure his client to connect to two servers, all with the same host (the one on which bip is running), and he would set a different irc password for each of the networks. ie “user:pass:OFTC” and “user:pass:efnet”.
Here is the bip documentation:- bip FAQ
- bip README: source:README
- bip.conf manual page: source:bip.conf.5
- bip manual page: source:bip.1
- bipmkpw manual page: source:bipmkpw.1
- Old news
- Creating an EC2 IRC Proxy with bip Keywords: EC2, Limechat (Synner, June 2014)
- BIP IRC Proxy Keywords: Ubuntu installation, X-Chat2, Colloquy (Steven Gorrell, August 2013)
- how to bip Keywords: XChat (Linaro, August 2012)
- Admin BIP (IRC Proxy) remotely (Anmar Oueja, March 2012)
- AndroidIRC, bip and SSHTunnel on your Android device (Juan Negron, August 2011)
- Keep One SSH Tunnel to a Bip Proxy Server Running (Dustin Kirkland, August 2011)
- Bip: IRC proxying (Adam Williamson, January 2010)
- Configuring pidgin to work with BIP (Frederic Plourde, July 2009)
Getting the code¶
- Git repository:
git clone
- Download Released tarballs
Bip is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 (source:COPYING).
IRC channel¶
- #bip on OFTC
Updated by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli over 6 years ago · 24 revisions