[doc] Postman workflow (closes #28)
[cleanup] moved base require files in 'lib/cyborghood/base'
[cleanup] split 'lib/cyborghood/base.rb' and reorganized requires a bit
[RCS] added new git ignored directory
[evol] added setup.rb installer, with hooks to generate locales and a 'lib/cyborghood/config.rb' file having a new CyborgHood::Config providing with installation paths, and created CyborgHood::Info to contain software general information (rakefile build-depends are then reduced to the minimum)
[evol] added gettext support using user prefered langage
[evol] replay protection #2 (should be done), and moved 'run' directory in the new workdir (temporary code until real path configuration)
[evol] postman can now be daemonized
[evol] add backup files patterns to git ignore file
[RM] add proper git-ignored list of files