[evol] Task-based client DSL §4 (many fixes, helper, bot stop condition, more logging)
[evol] created a DSL for client-side calls (several conditions (calls only at the moment) can be joined together in order to exploit parallel tasks via asynchronous calls)
[fix] ensure pending threads/conversations are uniquely registered
[evol] add system/user notif to bot level and detecte when a conversation is idle, to close it after used in connect_peer() with block
[fix] ensure ask_to_stop() waits gracefully for conversations to finish while stop() just stopp at once
[fix/evol] conversation/bot protocol rework §8 (refs #30)
[fix] BotNet: handle UNIX Socket connect failure (EM.connect fails at once, not via the handler)
[evol] add client support to BotNet
[evol] unified BotNet interface for both client and servers (as a client is also a micro server)