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# Date Author Comment
b0a510ef 2010-06-15 00:48 Marc Dequènes

[evol] split IMAP mail checking in several methods and handle errors a bit better

e7315259 2010-04-04 18:33 Marc Dequènes

[licence] updated copyright years and added missing headers

44648f83 2010-04-04 16:39 Marc Dequènes

[cleanup] split 'lib/cyborghood/base.rb' and reorganized requires a bit

4a2747e1 2010-04-04 16:01 Marc Dequènes

[debug] simplify debug with debug flags, added one to allow not removing mails in the mailbox (to replay them later)

ed09e1e5 2010-04-04 15:44 Marc Dequènes

[cleanup] better class/modules names for a few items

d32ee48a 2009-02-23 23:51 Marc Dequènes

[evol] add missing licensing terms

960373b7 2009-02-23 02:31 Marc Dequènes

[evol] check new mails at a selectable minimum interval, and handle stop requests gracefully

d5a19360 2009-02-22 12:36 Marc Dequènes

[evol] improved IMAP message handling, and properly delete ignored or processed messages

945de171 2009-02-19 02:34 Marc Dequènes

[evol] move IMAP code into a new class