


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
Name Size
config.rb 5.54 KB
exceptions.rb 1.21 KB
info.rb 836 Bytes
lang_additions.rb 1.2 KB
language.rb 3.47 KB
logger.rb 1.86 KB

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
4c969e21 2010-11-30 02:30 Marc Dequènes

[evol] select and record I18n locale in DSL Task (future use)

eab8e5a0 2010-11-30 02:20 Marc Dequènes

[fix] clarify language/locale in I18nController

083d3024 2010-11-15 21:48 Marc Dequènes

[fix] don't crash if config or default config is empty

476368e8 2010-11-13 13:48 Marc Dequènes

[fix] adapted Interface to recent changes, pass bot object, and correct api_methods() calculation

748bfcf3 2010-11-07 22:37 Marc Dequènes

[evol] fix silly mistakes/typos

cdd6154d 2010-11-01 01:15 Marc Dequènes

[evol] conversation protocol complete rework + work on action protocol §1 (refs #30)

f9971af0 2010-08-15 03:09 Marc Dequènes

[evol] work on cyborg server protocol and API #8 (refs #31)

8fcaacd6 2010-08-15 02:34 Marc Dequènes

[evol] work on cyborg server protocol and API #7 (refs #31)

ecdabe95 2010-08-14 02:35 Marc Dequènes

[evol] uncomplete MapMaker bot implementation (global cyborg classes, use of EventMachine with UNIX socket backend, configuration adjustments, ...) (refs #31)

f76a50d6 2010-06-20 19:07 Marc Dequènes

[evol] setup VERSION being prepared

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