DuckCorp-Infra » History » Version 20
Marc Dequènes, 2020-10-28 15:10
1 | 3 | Marc Dequènes | h1. Introduction |
2 | 1 | Marc Dequènes | |
3 | This is the root of the DuckCorp Admin Team materials used to install, configure and manage services. |
4 | |||
5 | DuckCorp is commited to "Free Software":, thus all materials are published under the GPL v3 License (see details of the license in the `COPYING` file). |
6 | |||
7 | 3 | Marc Dequènes | h1. Understanding these Materials and Contributing |
8 | |||
9 | 1 | Marc Dequènes | Please read the *README* file in the Repository tab. |
10 | |||
11 | 3 | Marc Dequènes | h1. Wanted Improvements or Bugs affecting our Infrastructure |
12 | |||
13 | DuckCorp is using the Debian operating system; here are some bugs we identified as affecting our infrastructure: |
14 | 2 | Marc Dequènes | |
15 | 11 | Marc Dequènes | *;nam0=Severity;pri0=severity:critical,grave,serious,important,normal,minor,wishlist;nam1=Host;ttl1=All,Elwing,Jinta,Korutopi,Nicecity,Orfeo,Toushirou,Thorfinn;pri1=tag:host-all,host-elwing,host-jinta,host-korutopi,host-nicecity,host-orfeo,host-toushirou,host-thorfinn (this URL needs maintenance each time we have a new machine or tag) |
16 | 2 | Marc Dequènes | * (closed BR expiration is faster) |
17 | 4 | Marc Dequènes | |
18 | h1. Sensitive Materials |
19 | |||
20 | 20 | Marc Dequènes | Some sensitive materials (credentials, privacy-related…) which are not needed to build the Infrastructure are encrypted using "Ansible Vault": |
21 | 4 | Marc Dequènes | |
22 | 20 | Marc Dequènes | To know more about the vault management please read the _Dealing with Secrets_ chapter in |
23 | 5 | Marc Dequènes | |
24 | h1. Procedures / Notes |
25 | |||
26 | 12 | Marc Dequènes | h2. General |
27 | |||
28 | * [[Naming Rules]] |
29 | 17 | Marc Dequènes | * [[Security Model]] |
30 | 12 | Marc Dequènes | |
31 | h2. Services |
32 | |||
33 | 5 | Marc Dequènes | * Databases: |
34 | ** [[LDAP]] |
35 | ** [[MySQL]] |
36 | ** [[PostgreSQL]] |
37 | 8 | Marc Dequènes | * [[Debian Repository]] |
38 | 7 | Marc Dequènes | * [[DHCP]] |
39 | 10 | Marc Dequènes | * [[DNS]] |
40 | 13 | Marc Dequènes | * [[Mail]] |
41 | 14 | Marc Dequènes | * [[PKI]] |
42 | 6 | Marc Dequènes | * [[Supervision]] |
43 | 9 | Marc Dequènes | * [[Web]] |