


Web » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Marc Dequènes, 2018-05-04 11:28) → Revision 2/10 (Marc Dequènes, 2018-05-04 11:43)

h1. Web 

 h2. Webservers Status Page 

 Each webserver displays various debug/stats information on a special vhost, using its canonical hostname. Only members of the Admin Team may log in. 

 h2. WebApps Info (TODO: strip down when they are Ansibilized) 

 h3. DSPAM 

 Extra packages for webui: 
 * libmime-encwords-perl 
 * libunicode-map8-perl 
 * libmime-tools-perl 

 h3. gitweb 

 Extra packages: 
 * highlight 

 h3. MoinMoin 

 If Moinmoin crash after (python?) upgrade, try this to purge the cache: 
 moin --config-dir=/etc/moin/ --wiki-url= maint cleancache 

 h3. RoundCube 

 Plugins using the *roundcube-plugins* and *roundcube-plugins-extra* packages. 

 A few additional plugins in */usr/local/share/roundcube-plugins/* and symlinked from */var/lib/roundcube*. Some may need dependencies not in Debian, in this case *Composer* is used to fetch them into *<plugin>/vendor/* (just run it inside the plugin directory without any argument). 

 Missing feature since migrating to Stretch: 
 * checked_identities: plugin to send a mail validation when creating a new identity 

 For custom plugins, by default, RoundCube uses ** if ** is not available. When modifying the configuration of a plugin, ** must be moved from */var/lib/roundcube/plugins/<PLUGIN_NAME>/config/* to */etc/roundcube/plugins/<PLUGIN_NAME>/config.php* and a symlink must be added to this file in */var/lib/roundcube/plugins/<PLUGIN_NAME>/config/*. Also, when upgrading the package, make sure that the links are still there! 

 h3. TT-RSS 

 At the end of 2014, the author decided to stop making releases and urge people to use git directly (:-/). Thus, the program is now switched to git, and the _reeder_ theme too. You need to _git pull_ and go to the web interface to perform DB upgrades. The daemon needs to be restarted (*tiny-tiny-rss* service). TODO: since then the Debian package was updated to include git snapshots, so we should have a look sometime. 

 Applied patches, if any, are next to the git directory. 

 The _migrate.sh_ was used to switch to newer versions and is kept as a reminder of the good old times when releases existed.