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Marc Dequènes, 2018-05-04 11:43


Webservers Status Page

Each webserver displays various debug/stats information on a special vhost, using its canonical hostname. Only members of the Admin Team may log in.

WebApps Info (TODO: strip down when they are Ansibilized)


Extra packages for webui:
  • libmime-encwords-perl
  • libunicode-map8-perl
  • libmime-tools-perl


Extra packages:
  • highlight


If Moinmoin crash after (python?) upgrade, try this to purge the cache:

moin --config-dir=/etc/moin/ --wiki-url= maint cleancache


Plugins using the roundcube-plugins and roundcube-plugins-extra packages.

A few additional plugins in /usr/local/share/roundcube-plugins/ and symlinked from /var/lib/roundcube. Some may need dependencies not in Debian, in this case Composer is used to fetch them into <plugin>/vendor/ (just run it inside the plugin directory without any argument).

Missing feature since migrating to Stretch:
  • checked_identities: plugin to send a mail validation when creating a new identity

For custom plugins, by default, RoundCube uses if is not available. When modifying the configuration of a plugin, must be moved from /var/lib/roundcube/plugins/<PLUGIN_NAME>/config/ to /etc/roundcube/plugins/<PLUGIN_NAME>/config.php and a symlink must be added to this file in /var/lib/roundcube/plugins/<PLUGIN_NAME>/config/. Also, when upgrading the package, make sure that the links are still there!


At the end of 2014, the author decided to stop making releases and urge people to use git directly (:-/). Thus, the program is now switched to git, and the reeder theme too. You need to git pull and go to the web interface to perform DB upgrades. The daemon needs to be restarted (tiny-tiny-rss service). TODO: since then the Debian package was updated to include git snapshots, so we should have a look sometime.

Applied patches, if any, are next to the git directory.

The was used to switch to newer versions and is kept as a reminder of the good old times when releases existed.

Updated by Marc Dequènes over 6 years ago · 2 revisions