Revision 96ba0c24
Added by Marc Dequènes almost 10 years ago
agentd.conf | ||
---|---|---|,list= ;for disk in $(ls /dev/[hsv]d[a-z] 2>/dev/null); do list=$list',{"{#DISK}":"'$disk'"}'; done; echo '{"data":['${list#,}']}'
||[*],cat /sys/block/$$(echo "$1" | tr -d "/.")/queue/hw_sector_size
UserParameter=random.poolsize,cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize
UserParameter=random.entropy_available,cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
UserParameter=smart.phydev.ata.discovery,list= ; while read line; do disk=$(echo $line | cut -d: -f1); list=$list',{"{#DISK}":"'$disk'"}'; done </etc/zabbix/smart_phydev_ata; echo '{"data":['${list#,}']}'
UserParameter=smart.phydev.ata.attr[*],sudo /usr/local/sbin/stat_smart_ata "$1" "$2"
||,list= ; while read line; do disk=$(echo $line | cut -d: -f1); list=$list',{"{#DISK}":"'$disk'"}'; done </etc/zabbix/smart_phydev_sas; echo '{"data":['${list#,}']}'
||[*],sudo /usr/local/sbin/stat_smart_sas "$1" "$2"
UserParameter=3ware.units.disco,sudo /usr/local/sbin/stat_3ware_units_disco
UserParameter=3ware.unit.status[*],sudo /usr/local/sbin/stat_3ware_unit_status "$1"
UserParameter=bind9.stats[*],/usr/local/sbin/stat_bind9 "$1"
UserParameter=postfix.queue_size[*],sudo stat_postfix_queue_size $1
UserParameter=apache.status[*],/usr/local/sbin/stat_apache "$1"
UserParameter=mysql.status[*],/usr/local/sbin/stat_mysql_status "$1"
UserParameter=mysql.variables[*],/usr/local/sbin/stat_mysql_variables "$1"
||,mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping | grep alive | wc -l
UserParameter=openldap.stats[*],sudo /usr/local/sbin/stat_openldap "$1"
UserParameter=proftpd.users.num,NB=$(ftpwho | grep -E 'users?$' | sed -r 's/^.*([0-9]+) users?/\1/'); echo ${NB:-0}
UserParameter=ntpd.stat[*],/usr/local/sbin/stat_ntpd $1
scripts/stat_3ware_unit_status | ||
STATE=$(tw_cli "${UNIT}" show | grep -E "^u[0-9]+ " | awk '{print $3}')
if [ "${STATE}" = "OK" ]; then
echo 1
echo 0
scripts/stat_3ware_units_disco | ||
for CONTROLLER in $(tw_cli show | grep -E "^c[0-9]+" | cut -f1 -d" "); do
for UNIT in $(tw_cli /${CONTROLLER} show | grep -E "^u[0-9]+" | cut -f1 -d" "); do
echo '{"data":['${list#,}']}'
scripts/stat_pgsql_find_dbname | ||
# Get list of Database Name which you want to monitor.
# The default settings are excepted template databases(template0/template1).
# :Example
# If you want to monitor "foo" and "bar" databases, you set the GETDB as
# GETDB="select datname from pg_database where datname in ('foo','bar');"
GETDB="select datname from pg_database where datistemplate = 'f';"
for dbname in $(psql -q -A -d $4 -t -c "${GETDB}"); do
echo '{"data":['${dblist#,}' ]}'
scripts/stat_pgsql_find_dbname_table | ||
# This low level discovery rules are disabled by deafult.
# For using this rules, you set the status to enable from
# [Configuration]->[Hosts]->[Discovery]->[DB and Table Name List]
# at Zabbix WEB.
# Get list of Database Name which you want to monitor.
# The default settings are excepted template databases(template0/template1).
# :Customize Example
# For "foo" and "bar" databases, set the GETDB as
# GETDB="select datname from pg_database where datname in ('foo','bar');"
GETDB="select datname from pg_database where datistemplate = 'f';"
# Get List of Table Name
# Using the default setting, Zabbix make a discovery "ALL" user tables.
# If you want to specify the tables, you can change the $GETTABLE query.
# :Customize Example
# For pgbench tables, set the GETTABLE as
#GETTABLE="select \
# row_to_json(t) \
# from (
# select current_database() as "{#DBNAME}\",schemaname as \"{#SCHEMANAME}\",tablename as \"{#TABLENAME}\" \
# from \
# pg_tables \
# where \
# schemaname not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema') \
# and \
# tablename in ('pgbench_accounts','pgbench_branches','pgbench_history','pgbench_tellers') \
# ) as t"
GETTABLE="select row_to_json(t) from (select current_database() as \"{#DBNAME}\",schemaname as \"{#SCHEMANAME}\",tablename as \"{#TABLENAME}\" from pg_tables where schemaname not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema')) as t"
for dbname in $(psql -q -A -d $4 -t -c "${GETDB}"); do
for tablename in $(psql -q -A -d $dbname -t -c "${GETTABLE}"); do
echo '{"data":['${dblist#,}' ]}'
scripts/stat_smart_ata | ||
opts=$(grep "^$1:" /etc/zabbix/smart_phydev_ata | cut -d: -s -f 2)
test -z `/usr/bin/find ${CACHE_FILE} -mmin -5 2>/dev/null` && \
smartctl -A $opts >"${CACHE_FILE}"
cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | awk -vval="${ATTR}" '{ if ($2 == val) { print $10 } }'
scripts/stat_smart_sas | ||
opts=$(grep "^$1:" /etc/zabbix/smart_phydev_sas | cut -d: -s -f 2)
test -z `/usr/bin/find ${CACHE_FILE} -mmin -5 2>/dev/null` && \
smartctl -A $opts >"${CACHE_FILE}"
cat "${CACHE_FILE}" | perl -ne "print \$1 if m/^${ATTR}:\s+([\d.]+)/"
templates/Template_App_Backup_Bacula-Dir.xml | ||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<template>Template App Backup Bacula-Dir</template>
<name>Template App Backup Bacula-Dir</name>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<name>Number of running processes bacula-dir</name>
<expression>{Template App Backup Bacula-Dir:proc.num[bacula-dir].last(0)}<1</expression>
<name>Bacula-Dir is not running on {HOSTNAME}</name>
templates/Template_App_Backup_Bacula-FD.xml | ||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<template>Template App Backup Bacula-FD</template>
<name>Template App Backup Bacula-FD</name>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<name>Number of running processes bacula-fd</name>
<expression>{Template App Backup Bacula-FD:proc.num[bacula-fd].last(0)}<1</expression>
<name>Bacula-FD is not running on {HOSTNAME}</name>
templates/Template_App_Backup_Bacula-SD.xml | ||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<template>Template App Backup Bacula-SD</template>
<name>Template App Backup Bacula-SD</name>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<name>Number of running processes bacula-sd</name>
<expression>{Template App Backup Bacula-SD:proc.num[bacula-sd].last(0)}<1</expression>
<name>Bacula-SD is not running on {HOSTNAME}</name>
templates/Template_App_DNS_Bind9.xml | ||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<template>Template App DNS Bind9</template>
<name>Template App DNS Bind9</name>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<name>Bind9 IPv4 requests</name>
<name>Bind9 IPv6 requests</name>
<name>Bind9 NXDOMAIN answers</name>
<name>Bind9 NXRRSET answers</name>
<name>Bind9 recursions</name>
<name>Bind9 referrals</name>
<name>Bind9 successful answers</name>
<name>Number of running processes named</name>
<name>Bind9 requests protocol</name>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
<name>Bind9 replies</name>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
<expression>{Template App DNS Bind9:proc.num[named].last(0)}<1</expression>
<name>Named is not running on {HOSTNAME}</name>
<name>Bind9 replies</name>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
<name>Bind9 requests protocol</name>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
<host>Template App DNS Bind9</host>
templates/Template_App_Database_MySQL.xml | ||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<template>Template App Database MySQL</template>
<name>Template App Database MySQL</name>
<name>GNU/Linux servers</name>
<name>MySQL all queries</name>
<name>MySQL connections aborted</name>
<name>MySQL connections attempted</name>
<name>MySQL connections failed</name>
<name>MySQL DELETE statements</name>
<name>MySQL INSERT statements</name>
<name>MySQL INSERT…SELECT statements</name>
<name>MySQL LOAD statements</name>
<name>MySQL max concurrent connections</name>
Also available in: Unified diff
[sync] updated OS, new System and SNMP templates