Revision 7c3507f6
Added by Marc Dequènes over 14 years ago
- ID 7c3507f63bf19a409d1ffe85b3415d9813fe4435
conf/ldap_shadows/worlds/OpenLDAP_config/shadows/Administration/translations/em.yml | ||
global: "LDAP Server"
database: "LDAP Database"
schema: "LDAP Schema"
cn: "Full Name"
createTimestamp: "Item creation time"
creatorsName: "Item Creator"
description: "Description"
entryUUID: "Item UUID"
modifiersName: "Item Last Modifier"
modifyTimestamp: "Item Last Modification Time"
olcAccess: "Security Access Control"
olcAddContentAcl: "Security Check on Content for Add Operation"
olcAllows: "LDAP Features to Allow"
olcArgsFile: "Server Arguments File"
olcAttributeOptions: "Server Tagging Attribute Options"
olcAttributeTypes: "LDAP Attribute Type Definition"
olcAuthzPolicy: "Security Authorization Proxy Rules"
olcAuthzRegexp: "Security Authentication User Mapping"
olcConcurrency: "Server (Thread) Concurrency Level"
olcConfigDir: "Configuration Directory"
olcConfigFile: "Configuration File (fallback)"
olcConnMaxPending: "Connection Maximum Pending Requests for Anonymous Sessions"
olcConnMaxPendingAuth: "Connection Maximum Pending Requests for Authenticated Sessions"
olcDatabase: "Database Name"
olcDbCacheFree: "Database Cache to Free when Full (entries number)"
olcDbCacheSize: "Database Cache Size (entries number)"
olcDbCheckpoint: "Database Checkpoint interval"
olcDbCryptKey: "Database Encryption Key"
olcDbCryptFile: "Database Encryption Key File"
olcDbConfig: "Database BDB Configuration"
olcDbDirtyRead: "Database Allow Dirty Reads (uncommitted data)"
olcDbDirectory: "Database Directory"
olcDbDNcacheSize: "Database DN Cache Size"
olcDbIDLcacheSize: "Database IDL Cache Size"
olcDbIndex: "Database Index(es)"
olcDbLinearIndex: "Database Indexes Processed Individually"
olcDbLockDetect: "Database Deadlock Detection Algorithm"
olcDbMode: "Database Files UNIX Permissions"
olcDbNoSync: "Database No Synchronous Writes"
olcDbPageSize: "Database Page Size (kB)"
olcDbSearchStack: "Database Search Stack Depth"
olcDbShmKey: "Database SHM Key"
olcDefaultSearchBase: "LDAP Default Search Base DN"
olcDitContentRules: "LDAP DIT Content Rules Definition"
olcDisallows: "LDAP Features to Disallow"
olcDlAttrSet: "Overlay DynamicList Definition"
olcGentleHUP: "Server SIGHUP as graceful shutdown"
olcHidden: "Database Hidden"
olcIdleTimeout: "Client Idle Timeout (s)"
olcIndexIntLen: "Index Key Length for Ordered Integer Indices"
olcIndexSubstrIfMaxLen: "Index Maximum Length for Subinitial and Subfinal Indices"
olcIndexSubstrIfMinLen: "Index Minimum Length for Subinitial and Subfinal Indices"
olcIndexSubstrAnyLen: "Index length used for subany indices"
olcIndexSubstrAnyStep: "Index steps used in subany index lookups"
olcLastMod: "LDAP Maintain User and Timestamp Operations Information"
olcLdapSyntaxes: "LDAP Syntax Definition"
olcLimits: "Limit Time and Size for Operations"
olcLocalSSF: "Security SSF for Local Sessions (like ldapi)"
olcLogFile: "Log File"
olcLogLevel: "Log Selected Categories"
olcMaxDerefDepth: "Limit Aliases Dereferenciation"
olcMirrorMode: "Replication Mirror Mode"
olcModuleLoad: "Dynamically Loadable Module"
olcModulePath: "Path for Modules"
olcMonitoring: "Overlay Monitor Activated on Database"
olcObjectClasses: "LDAP Object Class Definition"
olcObjectIdentifier: "LDAP Object Identifier Definition"
olcOverlay: "OpenLDAP Overlay Name"
olcPasswordCryptSaltFormat: "Salt Format for CRYPT passwords"
olcPasswordHash: "LDAP Password Hashes (Password Modify Extended Operation)"
olcPidFile: "Server PID File"
olcPlugin: "Server SLAPI Plugin configuration"
olcPluginLogFile: "Log File for Plugins"
olcReadOnly: "Database Read Only"
olcReferral: "LDAP Global Fallback Referal"
olcRequires: "Security Level for Operations"
olcRestrict: "Security Restricted Operations"
olcReverseLookup: "Client Name Unverified Reverse Lookup"
olcRootDN: "LDAP Database Root DN"
olcRootDSE: "LDAP Custom Root DSE Attributes File"
olcRootPW: "LDAP Database Root Password"
olcSaslHost: "SASL Server FQDN"
olcSaslRealm: "SASL Realm"
olcSaslSecProps: "SASL Security Properties"
olcSchemaDN: "LDAP Schema Definition DN"
olcSecurity: "Security Required SSF List"
olcServerID: "Replication Server ID"
olcSizeLimit: "Limit Maximum Search Result Size (entries number)"
olcSockbufMaxIncoming: "Connection Maximum Incoming PDU Size for Anonymous Sessions"
olcSockbufMaxIncomingAuth: "Connection Maximum Incoming PDU Size for Authenticated Sessions"
olcSortVals: "LDAP Always Sorted Multi-Valued Attributes"
olcSpCheckpoint: "Replication Provider Checkpoint Interval"
olcSpNoPresent: "Replication Provider Omit Present Phase Processing"
olcSpReloadHint: "Replication Provider Observe Reload Hint in Request Control"
olcSpSessionlog: "Replication Provider Session Log Size"
olcSubordinate: "LDAP Database Subordinate"
olcSuffix: "LDAP Database DN Suffix"
olcSyncrepl: "Replication Replica Configuration"
olcSyncUseSubentry: "Replication Store contextCSN in Special Subentry"
olcThreads: "Server Primary Thread Pool Maximum Size"
olcTimeLimit: "LDAP Maximum Search Time (s)"
olcToolThreads: "Server Tool Thread Pool Maximum Size"
olcTLSCACertificateFile: "TLS CA Certificates File"
olcTLSCACertificatePath: "TLS CA Certificates Path"
olcTLSCertificateFile: "TLS Server Public Certificate File"
olcTLSCertificateKeyFile: "TLS Server Private Certificate File"
olcTLSCipherSuite: "TLS Accepted Ciphers"
olcTLSCRLCheck: "TLS CRL Check Level"
olcTLSCRLFile: "TLS CRL File"
olcTLSDHParamFile: "TLS DH Parameters File"
olcTLSRandFile: "TLS Random Source File"
olcTLSVerifyClient: "TLS Verify Client Certificate"
olcUniqueAttribute: "Overlay Unique Attributes"
olcUniqueBase: "Overlay Unique Base DN"
olcUniqueIgnore: "Overlay Unique Ignored Attributes"
olcUniqueStrict: "Overlay Unique Null Values"
olcUniqueURI: "Overlay Unique URI(s)"
olcUpdateDN: "Replication Replica Update DN"
olcUpdateRef: "Replication Replica Modify Referral"
olcWriteTimeout: "Connection Write Timeout (s)"
Also available in: Unified diff
[evol] preliminary support for OpenLDAP 'cn=config' world §3 (translations) (refs #143)