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# Date Author Comment
6ee71201 2010-07-11 17:29 Marc Dequènes

[evol] reorganized config/includes a bit

05f13042 2010-07-11 16:09 Marc Dequènes

[evol] migration to libgettext-ruby 2.1.0 and split rails 2.3.5, step #1

0c5cb331 2010-02-14 19:42 Marc Dequènes

[fix] use Rails initializers properly, to ensure inflections and mime types are loaded at the right moment

085f01eb 2009-04-11 19:34 Marc Dequènes

[evol] use SQL sessions instead of cookies-based ones

b689e231 2008-09-09 03:29 Marc Dequènes

Initial version