Enhancement #497
openChange Backup System
- horrible CLI, difficult to search through backups and volumes
- retention is awfully complex to setup
- consolidated backups never worked with file volumes
- cannot resume, so if a full backup with a lot of data fails midway, useless incomplete volumes pile-up and eat all the available space
- secure transfer (TLS, SSH…)
- delta transfer
- compression
- resumable
- incremental backup: either full-incremental without full backup (except initial setup), or consolidation
- open fifo option: useful to backup databases without reserving a huge local space, allows on-the-fly backup stream with unmodified tools (mysqldump, pg_dump…)
- proper retention settings: we should be able to express this: keep 1 backup per day during 7 days, then 1 per week during 4 weeks, then 1 per month during 1 year
- long time restoration: backup format breaks infrequently and either new software can read old formats or a straightforward command can convert them to the new format
- maintained: at least one maintenance release per year, no critical bug without at least a workaround for more than a month
- deduplication
- single entrypoint when different category of data are to be saved (different retention for eg): single daemon and open port
- exclude dir if contains file: allows user to exclude their own dirs, like we did with Bacula, just 'touch .nobackup' and the backup software will skip the dir
Backup scheduling:
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Help Needed set to Yes
Potential successors:
- Burp: all needed feature are there, Pilou created an Ansible config we could use as base (need some work), but each backup partition needs an instance daemon on a specific port
- BorgBackup: similar as Burp in many ways, all needed features are there, via SSH so no daemons and ports to open
Asking for advice.
Updated by Arnaud Fontaine over 8 years ago
I use duplicity personally, not sure how it compares to other software you're mentioning. Will check when I have some time.
Here is a comparison of existing backup programs:
It seems burp does not intent to keep compatibility between major releases which could be a problem when trying to access old backups. Not sure if there is a way to automatically update all of them in an easy way after major releases though...
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 8 years ago
using the previous experience and the feature chart Arnau linked, I listed the criteria I think we should have.
Updated by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli almost 8 years ago
Arnaud Fontaine wrote:
It seems burp does not intent to keep compatibility between major releases which could be a problem when trying to access old backups. Not sure if there is a way to automatically update all of them in an easy way after major releases though...
Burp version in Jessie is 1.3.48, Burp version in Stretch will be 2.0.54. The are two Burp protocols (protocol 1, protocol 2), the second one is under development and is not stable yet. The default protocol in 2.0.54 is the first one.
At the beginning development of protocol 2, it was possible to switch from protocol 1 to protocol 2, I don't have an up to date information on that subject.
Updated by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli almost 8 years ago
- Related to Review #518: Review branch backup added
Updated by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli almost 8 years ago
- Related to Review #519: Review burp role added
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 7 years ago
So this this a retranscription of the Bacula settings, but with some adaptations (obsolete paths, new paths, forgotten paths). So we should check this list twice. Also I simplified the retention using 3 classes only. I wonder if we should also save the logs (~9GB total). Also databases could probably go into class 2. All of this is up to discussion.
Class 1: Lightweight critical data, keep everyday for 2 months and weekly for 4 months and monthly for 6 months (1 year total):¶
- /boot
- /etc
- /var/lib/dpkg/available
- /var/lib/dpkg/diversions
- /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride
- /var/lib/dpkg/status
- /var/spool/cron
- /var/backups
- /root
- /usr/local
Additional for Elwing:¶
- /var/lib/opendnssec
- /var/lib/softhsm
Additional for Orfeo:¶
- /var/lib/opendnssec
- /var/lib/softhsm
Additional for Korutopi:¶
- /var/lib/postgresql/zbx_config_backup.sql
Class 2: Lightweight-Heavyweight important data, keep everyday for 2 weeks and weekly for 6 weeks, and monthly for 4 months (6 months total):¶
- /home
Additional for Elwing:¶
- /var/www
Additional for Thorfinn:¶
- /srv/bouncer
- /srv/www
Additional for Orfeo:¶
- /var/lib/minbif
- /var/lib/prosody
- /srv/www
- /var/local/vmail
- /var/lib/mailman
- /var/spool/dspam
Additional for Toushirou:¶
- /srv/vcs
- /srv/www
- /srv/projects
- /var/local/stuffcloud-data
Class 3: Lightweight-Heavyweight less important data, keep everyday for 1 week and weekly for 3 weeks, and monthly for 5 months (6 months total):¶
- /opt
Additional for Elwing:¶
- /usr/local/share/mibs
- /srv/tftp
- /var/lib/smokeping
Additional for Jinta:¶
- /var/games/minetest-server
Additional for Orfeo:¶
- /var/lib/roundcube/plugins
- /usr/local/share/roundcube-plugins/
Additional for Toushirou:¶
- /var/lib/smokeping
- /srv/ftp/ftp.duckcorp.org/private/
- /srv/ftp/ftp.duckcorp.org/public/
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from Marc Dequènes to Pierre-Louis Bonicoli
Updated by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli over 7 years ago
- File backup_scheduling.jpg backup_scheduling.jpg added
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 7 years ago
- class 1: 30/11
- class 2: 14/3/2
- class 3: 7/3/4
What do you think about this?
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 7 years ago
As for scheduling I think that's very difficult to find nice ranges, with all the data we have it can take some time and BW. So I think the best is to target the week's best range and limit the BW to an acceptable rate for a fiber connection and the poor I/Os some of the servers can produce.
Updated by Pierre-Louis Bonicoli over 7 years ago
Marc Dequènes wrote:
So I'll try to roughly translate the retention into Burp's keep parameter.:
- class 1: 30/11
- class 2: 14/3/2
- class 3: 7/3/4
What do you think about this?
- class 1
- before: keep everyday for 2 months and weekly for 4 months and monthly for 6 months (1 year total)
- now: keep everyday for 1 month and monthly for 11 months (1 year total)
- class 2
- before: keep everyday for 2 weeks and weekly for 6 weeks, and monthly for 4 months (6 months total)
now: keep everyday for 2 weeks and every 2 weeks for 6 weeks, and and every month and a half for 3 months (6 months total)- now: keep everyday for 2 weeks, and every 2 weeks for 6 weeks, and every 2 months for 2 months (6 months total)
- class 3
- before: keep everyday for 1 week and weekly for 3 weeks, and monthly for 5 months (6 months total)
- now: keep everyday for 1 week and weekly for 3 weeks, and every 3 weeks for 3 months (4 months total)
For the scheduling, we will adapt: it depends on backup operation duration. Burps logs every duration, it will be easy to improve scheduling.
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 7 years ago
There were changes recently, due to Stretch migration and obsolete things, so I updated the directory list above.
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 7 years ago
- cleaning up the packages, configs, directories… of the previous system
- updating the documentation (https://admin.duckcorp.org/index.php/Services/Backup) and clarify the restoration steps (also what's the best way to restore a database, without writing the full dump locally is possible as some DB might be very big and not fit in our limited space)
Updated by Marc Dequènes over 7 years ago
- Blocked by Review #585: backup_duck added